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Sunday Mornin' Hope : Two Things You Can't Afford

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Sunday Mornin' Hope : Two Things You Can't Afford Empty Sunday Mornin' Hope : Two Things You Can't Afford

Post by Psalmist January 29th 2011, 2:38 am

I'm writing this a day (night actually) early because I'm on vacation with my wife in Mobile, Alabama. We're heading out tomorrow morning on the Carnival Elation Cruise for Progresso and Cozumel Mexico. Our children are at home with a stocked frig and a full tank of gas. That's the great part of having older children that we have invested quality time and love in. There is no question of trust or safety.

There are two things you can't afford in life; children and vacations. So you just do them. We have been blessed with 7 of the greatest children on the face of the Earth. They are all healthy, talented, anointed by God, and just fun to be around. Patty and I love to be around them, and we also enjoy our times away from them. That's why on the eighth day God sneezed and out came a motorcycle. Generally they are made for two people, like Patty and I. After our 5 children were born and still in labor/delivery; our dr asked Patty and I if we were done having kids. So, he set up cutting the tubes. And for a few years we didn't have any newborns. Then we began to pray about the matter and thought maybe we decided a bit hastily on whether to have kids or not. We found a Christian dr in New Branfells TX that did tubal reversals for half the local price. After the surgery we had two more wonderful children Jordanne Elizabeth and Judah Benjamin. Our children are : Joshua, Jessica, Jonathan, Josiah, Joy, Jordanne, and Judah. I'm not sure why we went with all "J"s . Maybe because my mom and dad had 8 "D"s and it all came out pretty well. So Patty and I enjoy taking motorcycle vacations together.

I have the greatest mom and dad. I didn't realize how great we had it till I moved out and went to Central Bible College. Our home was much like the "Waltons" TV show. The biggest fights we had growing up were regarding who got to ride 'shotgun' in the station wagon and how many spoonfuls of pudding were in the pan. After mom made fudge or whatever, she would give each of us a spoon. Then she would drop the mixing bowl in the midst of us. It was every kid for themselves.

The other unnaffordable is vacations. You can never afford them. You just have to go. If you plan on waiting till you get enuff time or money, you will resent not going. "When I retire we're going ride all over..........." NO you won't. You won't be healthy enuff to go and your other obligations will keep you home. There's a wonderful animated movie called "UP" that deals with this issue. Two small children that fall in love and eventually get married. They talked of travel etc but never got the time to do it . You really need to see it.

As our children were small we took many family vacations together. Lately I've taken Patty on our own vacations with just the two of us. If you don't put fresh oil in the motor called love, it will seize up. Too many couples divorce after the kids leave. Why? Because the stopped being a couple and discovering the wonderful reasons why they got together in the first place. After 30+ years I still feel like I just barely know her. So, while we're still healthy, I plan on taking her to as many places as possible. We're planning our next vacation while we're on our cruise this week. I think we're going to try to make a West coast trip and back.

Am I rich? YUP! But our finances are extremely low. Anytime you connect riches with finances, you're actually bankrupt. We are rich because we are kids of a King-Jesus. He is Jehoveh Jireh- The Lord our provider. All He has is ours. I believe He looks for us to ask Him for the desires of our hearts. His word says if we delight in Him, He will give us the desires of our hearts. Is God a 'Santa Clause'? Not at all, He wants relationship with us first. I've walked with Him almost every day of my life. After 50+ years we're so close, I hack and He spits. In a very limited way, I think I know Him. Like my wife, I feel there's so much more to discover in this relationship.

Phil 4:13 says I can do ALL things through Christ which strengthens me.

Where does your strength come from? My strength comes from the Lord. Where is your hope? Is it in what you know or the president? Is it in what you own or making payments on? Jesus said "Ask of me.." So I do, and He gives it to me often. See, I really do 'delight in Him' regardless of whether I get something or not. Do you? When you run out of your strength, try calling upon Jesus Christ. He will renew and supply what you can't. I think when we get to heaven we're going to see warehouses full of treasures with our names on them that we never requisitioned.

So, can you afford children or vacations? Honestly you cannot afford not to. Take the time. Have a bunch of kids and enjoy a life full of joy and hope. Make it the funnest bestest year this year. Do something out of character this week. Smile. Remember I'm praying for you. If you need prayer, drop me a line.
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Sunday Mornin' Hope : Two Things You Can't Afford Empty Re: Sunday Mornin' Hope : Two Things You Can't Afford

Post by actionpack January 29th 2011, 6:05 am

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Sunday Mornin' Hope : Two Things You Can't Afford Empty Re: Sunday Mornin' Hope : Two Things You Can't Afford

Post by Silver Eagle January 30th 2011, 7:44 am

Thanks Dino. Enjoy the time with your best friend.
Silver Eagle
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Sunday Mornin' Hope : Two Things You Can't Afford Empty Re: Sunday Mornin' Hope : Two Things You Can't Afford

Post by jaarch January 30th 2011, 10:36 am

Thank you Dino. Have a great trip.
The six-wheeled man

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