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black screen

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black screen Empty black screen

Post by actionpack July 21st 2015, 5:21 pm

maybe a week ago my lap top over heated and died , got me a new hp laptop with windows 8.1 with a up grade to 10 when its released , after a week of trying to find out how to operate this new windows , the puter and me are on talking terms again , good thing there was no swear jar in the house , cause I would of filled it , no problem , but this old brain dead sole has gotten to the point of turning it on and off and finding my sites , theres a whole lot more to over come , hd1
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black screen Empty Re: black screen

Post by NeonLeon July 22nd 2015, 9:28 am

Don't worry Billy Boy ... from what I have seen of Windows 10 it looks a whole lot like 7 ... I like 7
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black screen Empty Re: black screen

Post by actionpack July 22nd 2015, 4:06 pm

this new 8.1 has a lot of features I don't like , windows 7 was a lot easyer to operate then this new 8.1 , I hope your right about windows 10 , cause i'm not likeing this windows 8.1 , seems like a cheap version of I don't no what , Shocked
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black screen Empty Re: black screen

Post by jedishon July 22nd 2015, 8:36 pm

Watch out with the free upgrade to 10. It is only good for 2 or 3 years then they charge you for every upgrade and all upgrades are automatic. Once they get your credit card number you are charged for everything. Thats how they can give 10 away for free.
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black screen Empty Re: black screen

Post by NeonLeon July 23rd 2015, 8:39 am

Good to know Jer ... thanks
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black screen Empty Re: black screen

Post by actionpack July 23rd 2015, 12:01 pm

thanks jerry , guess I will skip the up grade to 10 , when I was setting up my lap top out of the box , window 8.1 , something went wrong and a red box come up with a number to call , it was a warning not to go any further tell I called this number , I called and some indian came on that I couldn't understand , due to his unbroken English and me being hard of hearing , I finally had to hang the phone up and called my daughter to come and help me set this thing up , she got the same warning box and she called the help number , after chatting with them they told her to fix the problem I would have to pay for them to fix the problem , she told them its brand new out of the box , any ways they made her mad and she hung up and went to restore and started the process again , everything went smooth this time around , some body from the windows or hp call center must have had a racket going on , they wanted my credit card number so they could charge me to fix a brand new lap top , I was ready to pull the few remainings hair I have let on top of my head after going thru all this
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black screen Empty Re: black screen

Post by jedishon July 23rd 2015, 5:32 pm

If you have trouble with customer service you can ask to be transferred to someone in the US and they have to do it. Not saying you wont get someone that speaks a foreign language but they will understand you better.
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black screen Empty Re: black screen

Post by actionpack July 23rd 2015, 7:51 pm

thanks jerry , I new I could ask for a u.s.a. human , I didn't feel like being put on hold , like you do sometimes for 20 minutes , I was in no mood to sit and twittle my thumbs well they decide who wants to deal with me , BM
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black screen Empty Re: black screen

Post by trip July 24th 2015, 6:19 am

jedishon wrote:If you have trouble with customer service you can ask to be transferred to someone in the US and they have to do it. Not saying you wont get someone that speaks a foreign language but they will understand you better.
I didn't know you could ask to be transferred to someone in the US.  Is that true for all company's?  Don't know how many times I got pissed and just hung up.  Cool
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black screen Empty Re: black screen

Post by jedishon July 24th 2015, 12:17 pm

Pretty sure as a US customer you can ask for US customer service for anything, Trip.
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black screen Empty Re: black screen

Post by actionpack July 24th 2015, 3:34 pm

you can request a American to talk to if you can't understand , my oldest granddaughter use to work at a call center down n fl. for the cable company , made a good wage and was happy with her work , until the head cheeses decided they needed to shave some money off there rich budget , and sent all there work to india , don't seem right , BS
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