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Sunday Mornin' Hope : Starting New

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Sunday Mornin' Hope : Starting New Empty Sunday Mornin' Hope : Starting New

Post by Psalmist February 11th 2012, 7:42 pm

Ps 4:7 -
You have put gladness in my heart, More than when their grain and new wine abound.

Ps 33:3
Sing to Him a new song; Play skillfully with a shout of joy.

Ps 40:3 -
He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; Many will see and fear And will trust in the LORD.

Ps 96:1 -
Sing to the LORD a new song; Sing to the LORD, all the earth.

Ps 98:1 -
O sing to the LORD a new song, For He has done wonderful things, His right hand and His holy arm have gained the victory for Him

Everyone loves something new. What would Christmas be like if all the presents under the tree were used and/or broken toys. Imagine getting bike parts for a different bike than what you ride. I know, sounds crazy. We enjoy tearing open new boxes and finding new bling for our rides. Some of the new boxes are harder to open than putting the item on the bike. Now you need a screw driver to get it out of the box. One of the best parts of Christmas is watching those you love, open their gifts. Last Christmas my daughter gave her brother a set of tickets to go see the Miami Heat basketball team! Our house got pretty noisy for a time.

King David encouraged us to sing a 'new' song of praise to God. Why? Did God get tired of the old song? Did He wear out the vinyl? Did the tape get stuck in the player and wrinkle up? Not hardly. God loves to hear old and new songs of praise. He enjoys the old hymns like Amazing Grace and In the Garden. But He also enjoys the new songs of praise. God holds tradition and new
equally. I believe there are times in heaven when God asks the angels to listen ask people on Earth sing a new song to His glory. Probably the best new songs have been sung without pen or recording. Spontaneous songs to the Lord give Him just as much pleasure as those written in the hymnbook. Have you ever walked home at night, by the light of the moon shining on the snow? It's amazing how bright the snow can be at night when reflecting the moon's light. As you walk and reflect His goodness, a song can easily rise up to give Him thanks and praise.

Something new happened in my life about a week ago. I was born in 1900 and non of your business. But when you pass 50, you're pretty 'rutted' in. People can set their clocks by your schedule of checking the mail and trips to WalMart. Well, I've been prompted by God (and suggestions by my wife) to go to bed early and rise early. For the past 20+ years I would get to
bed after 1 a.m. and wake up as late as possible. Then about a week ago I noticed I would wake up almost everyday around 6 a.m. With no alarm or push I would be wide awake. Maybe God was calling me to spend time with Him. To my wife's surprise (and blessing) I began going to bed around 9 p.m. I would load the woodstove with 'overnighters' and climb into bed. My kids are still at a
loss for words. I beat them to bed. (Maybe that was worded wrong.) I'm in bed before them Wink I pray at night with each of them and send myself off to bed. At 6 a.m. I am slept out and I love it. Spending time with the Lord in the early morning hours is such a new blessing. It's like a new Christmas present. I make a cup of hot tea and get one of Patty's Bibles and enjoy His presence/presents. Patty has a really cool "Message" Bible. It's a new paraphrase of the King James version. Sure I have a bunch of Bibles, but right now I'm really enjoying this new (to me) Bible.

I really hope and pray that God is doing new things in your life this week. I hope you find new revelations of His goodness. He has blessed us in so many ways that we haven't even noticed. I think He just smiles and waits for us to discover some of them. If you're not in the habit of waking up early for prayer and Bible meditation, check it out for a week. I'm addicted to His presence at 6 a.m. Even on my days off, I still get up and find Him waiting for me. Have a great new week and remember I'm praying for you, especially YOU.

Ps 121:3 -

He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber.

Ps 121:4 -
Behold, He who keeps Israel Will neither slumber nor sleep.

ps. If you're looking for another great forum for all bikers, check out They also enjoy the Sunday Mornin' Hope and are a very positive group.
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Sunday Mornin' Hope : Starting New Empty Re: Sunday Mornin' Hope : Starting New

Post by trip February 11th 2012, 10:01 pm

Thanks Dino.
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Sunday Mornin' Hope : Starting New Empty Re: Sunday Mornin' Hope : Starting New

Post by actionpack February 12th 2012, 5:08 pm

thanks dino , good message
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