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Just a reminder

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Just a reminder Empty Just a reminder

Post by jaarch December 30th 2010, 8:53 am

I just wanted to let everyone know the Biker Haven store is still up and running. All profits will be donated to the BACA and since setting up the store we have made $11.28. Once we clear $30.00, they will send us a check which I will forward to one of our BACA brothers for the donation. If anyone out there is good at generating computer graphics, we do need a logo that will go on a dark item. The one we have now is only good for light colored items. I would love a black hoodie or long-sleeved tee. If you are able to help out shoot me a PM for the details.
The six-wheeled man

Male Number of posts : 7387
Age : 57
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Just a reminder Empty Re: Just a reminder

Post by tcarp66 December 30th 2010, 11:51 am

Someone needs to keep an eye on Joe,we prolly should have some kind of nuetral audit. that kind of money could tempt a man. Laughing
True Haven Supporter
True Haven Supporter

Male Number of posts : 3176
Age : 58
Location : Gamewell, NC

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Just a reminder Empty Re: Just a reminder

Post by actionpack December 30th 2010, 12:47 pm

ya he mite beable to buy a half a steak with that kind of money , joe if all esle fails let me know and i will see if my granddaughter could do it ,
True Haven Supporter
True Haven Supporter

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Age : 77
Location : hale , mi

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