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Sunday Mornin' Hoop : Bloopers

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Sunday Mornin' Hoop : Bloopers Empty Sunday Mornin' Hoop : Bloopers

Post by Psalmist December 25th 2010, 10:14 pm

One of my favorite parts to any movie is the 'blooper reel'. The old Burt Reynolds/Dom Delouise movies were very open in showing these in their movie outro. I always laughed harder at these than the movie itself. I love to laugh, whether at myself or with someone else.

Last sunday I was trying to be real professional in our church's early service. This service caters to the professional and younger Christians. We had practiced some of the Christmas hymns and contemporized them somewhat. By adding distorted guitars and a cool rhythm on the drums we were ready to impress someone, maybe even God. We (I) tied together 'Angels We have heard on High' and 'Hark the Herald' both in the key of G. Well I was cruising along thru the first song then dove into the second song. Only one problem. I forgot the melody of Hark the Herald and inserted Angels with Hark's words. CRASH and burn. I just started laughing at myself and everyone laughed with me. I think God probably smiled too and maybe even laughed. He does have a sense of humor. Look in the mirror.

Pr 15:13 - A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.

Pr 15:15 -All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.

Pr 17:22 -
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

When we get to heaven, I want God to show us some of History's bloopers. I think there were several around the time of Jesus birth. You know satan was on the Earth trying to stop Jesus incarnation. He was stirring doubt in Joseph's heart and wrath in Herod's. Herod was determined to stop the 'Messiah' from setting man free. After he talked to the wise men about the star, he likely sent spies to follow them. "When you find Him, come back and tell us that we might worship Him also." Yeah right! I bet God had a field day about that time. He probably sent angels to really mess them up. I bet the spies looked like the three stooges and were about as accurate as the Pink Panther. Throw a little of Art Carney and Don Knotts in there too. You think we'll have popcorn and IMax in heaven?

In life and eternity, your attitude will determine your destiny. I have learned to laugh at hopeless situations. I choose to believe in something I can't see and I trust in in a God I have never actually heard. Why? Because when I look up at the stars and shooting meteors I know there must be more than what I know, see, feel, hear, or think. I love this life and know there is so much more on the other side of the door called death. I believe we're going to ride across galaxies and constellations. I think my 'wing' will actually have them.

I really want to ride with you. I hope you take Jesus into your heart again today. He wants you to ride with Him when He comes back to destroy the anti christ. Like the smell of rain coming, I feel that His return is so close at hand. You don't want to miss this ride.

Have a wonderful week and laugh alot. Make it the best week of the year. Remember I'm praying for you.

In Christ

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Sunday Mornin' Hoop : Bloopers Empty Re: Sunday Mornin' Hoop : Bloopers

Post by smokum December 25th 2010, 10:25 pm

I'll ride with ya. Feels 'close' to me too.
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Sunday Mornin' Hoop : Bloopers Empty Re: Sunday Mornin' Hoop : Bloopers

Post by actionpack December 26th 2010, 7:25 am

good 1 dino , thats the name of the game , be happy and everything esle in life will fall in place , Thumbs Up
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Sunday Mornin' Hoop : Bloopers Empty Re: Sunday Mornin' Hoop : Bloopers

Post by Silver Eagle December 28th 2010, 6:29 pm

Thanks Dino
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